[1] [2] This cardinall came to London in October, and did intimate both to the king & queene the cause of his comming: which being knowne,The matter touching the kings mar|riage debated. great talke was had thereof. The archbishop of Canturburie sent for the famous doctors of both the vniuersities to Lam|beth, [page 907] and there were euerie daie disputations and communings of this matter. And bicause the king meant nothing but vprightlie therein, and knew well that the quéene was somewhat wedded to hir owne opinion, and wished that she should do nothing without counsell, he bad hir choose the best clearks of his realme to be of hir counsell, and licenced them to doo the best on hir part that they could, according to the truth. Then she elected William Warham arch|bishop of Canturburie,The quéene chooseth law|yers for hir part. and Nicholas Weast bishop of Elie, doctors of the laws; and Iohn Fisher bishop of Rochester, and Henrie Standish bishop of saint Assaph, doctors of diuinitie, and manie o [...]her doctors and well learned men, which for suertie like men of great learning defended hir cause, as farre as lear|ning might mainteine and hold it vp.