[1] On the two and twentith of Februarie the king created at Windsor sir Piers Butler of Ireland,Creation of the earle of Osserie. erle of Osserie. ¶Also a Dutch craire of Armew cha|sed a French craire vp the Thames from Margate to the Tower wharfe, and there as they fought sir Edmund Walsingham lieutenant of the Tower perceiuing them,Sir Edmund Walsingham. called his men togither, and ente|ring the ships tooke both the capteins. The kings councell tooke vp the matter betwixt them, for the Fleming chalenged the Frenchman as a lawfull prise. An abstinence of the warre was taken in the beginning of this yeare betwixt Flanders, and the countries of Picardie on this side the riuer of Some to begin the first of Maie & indure till the last of Fe|bruarie.A truce and the benefits insuing from the same. By means of this truce all the Englishmen might lawfullie passe into the low countries, but not into Spaine: which sore gréeued the merchants that haunted those parties. It was further agréed, that if no generall peace could be had, during the time of this truce: then all the merchants should haue respit two moneths after to passe into their owne coun|tries with their wares and merchandizes in safetie.