[1] By this meanes the trade of merchandize was in maner fore let here in England,The incõmo|ditie rising of lacke of inter|course for tra|ficke. and namelie the clothes laie on their hands, whereby the common|wealth suffered great decaie, and great numbers of spinners, carders, tuckers, and such other that liued by clothworking, remained idle, to their great impo|uerishment. And as this warre was displeasant to the Englishmen, so was it as much or more displea|sant to the townes and people of the low countries, & in especiall to the townes of Antuerpe & Barrow, where the marts are kept. So that at length there came ambassadours from the ladie regent, the which associating themselues with don Hugo de Mendoza ambassadour for the emperour, came to the king at Richmond the twentie and ninth of March, and there mooued their sute so effectuallie,An abstinence of war gran|ted vpon sute made to the king of Eng|land. that an abstinence of warre was granted, till time that a further com|munication might be had: and vpon this point let|ters were sent into Spaine, France, and Flanders, and so this matter continued vntill answers were brought from thense againe.