[1] I haue also caused this assemblie to be made,Further caus [...] whie the said assemblie was procured. to shew that I haue not without great cause enterpri|sed such an act; for the right is on my side: and if I should otherwise haue doone, mine honor had béene greatlie blemished. A thing which my lords that are of my bloud, and other my subiects would haue ta|ken in euill part. And knowing the cause of the combat, and my right, they will beare with it, as good and loiall subiects ought to doo, trusting by Gods helpe to procéed in such sort therein, that it shall plainelie appéere if the right be on my side or not: and how, against truth, I haue béene accused for a breaker of my faith, which I would be loth to doo, nor at anie time haue meant so to doo. The kings my predecessors and ancestors, whose pictures are ingrauen and set héere in order within this hall, which in their daies haue successiuelie atchiued glo|rious acts, and greatlie augmented the realme of France, would thinke me vnworthie, and not ca|pable to be their successor, if against mine honor I should suffer my selfe to be charged with such a [page 905] no [...]e by the emperour, and should not defend my person and honor in the manner and forme accusto|med.