[1] On an other bench sate the bishop of Transilua|nia, ambassador for the king of Hungarie, the bishop and duke of Langres, one of the peeres of France, the bishop & earle of Noion, an other of the peeres of France, th'archbishop of Lion, primat of all France, the archbishop of Burges primate of Aquitaine, the archbishops of Aux and Rouen, the bishops of Pa|ris, Meaux, Lizeux, Mascon, Limoges, Uabres, Conserans and Terbe. And behind them sate the masters of the requests,Who stood on either side of the French kings seate roiall. and the councellors of the great councell. On either side the kings seate stood the earle of Beaumont great master and marshall of France, the lord de Brion admerall of France lieutenant generall, and gouernor of Burgognie. And behind the same seat were manie knights of the order, that is to wit, the earle of Lauall, lieute|nant generall and gouernor of Britaine, the lord of Montmerancie, the lord Daubignie capteine of an hundred lances, and of the Scotish gard, the earle of Brienne, Lignie, and Roussie, the lord of Fleuran|ges marshall of France, the lord of Ruffoie, the lord of Genoilliac great esquier and master of the artil|lerie of France, Lois monsieur de Elenes, the lord of Humiers, and the earle of Carpie.