[1] Shortlie after, the emperors ambassadors returned home into Spaine in safetie, and well intreted. And vpõ their returne, the ambassadors of France were set at libertie, and deliuered beyond Fonterabie, & so came safelie home into France. Then a French herald, appointed to accompanie the ambassadour Grandeuill, brought the writing of the combat vn|to the emperor, bicause Grandeuill refused to medle with it. To the which the emperor fiue moneths af|ter,The emperor answereth the French kings letters. or thereabouts, sent an answer by one of his heralds; who being arriued at Paris, meant vp|on the sudden to present his letters vnto the French king. But the king getting intelligence thereof, the tenth of September, sitting within his great hall of his palace at Paris aforesaid, before the table of marble in a roiall seat, addressed and set vp for him sixtéene steps in height, appointed to giue audience to the said herald.