[1] The king of armes Guien asked if his maiestie ment this concerning the merchants? Whervnto the emperor answered: This is beside that which is con|teined in your writing, touching the merchants, to which point (said he) I will answer by writing. And herewith Guien making thrée obeisances, said; Sir I will gladlie doo it. Then said the emperor,This the em|peror infer|reth to iustifie his owne dea|lings by waie of comparison Tell the king your maister further, that I beléeue that he hath not béene aduertised of that which I told to his ambassador in Granado, which toucheth him néere. For I told him in such a [...]ase so noble a prince, that if he had vnderstood the same, he would haue made me an answer. He shall do well to know it of his ambas|sador. For by that he shall vnderstand, that I haue kept better faith to him in that I haue promised at Madrill than he to me, and I praie you so tell him, and faile not hereof. Guien answered, Without doubt sir I will doo it: and so making his obeisance he departed.