[1] This answer made by the emperour to the king of armes Clarenceaux, the said Clarenceaux tooke his coat of armes, which he had lieng on his left [page 902] arme (as before is said) and put it vpon him.The English herald is cõ|manded by the emperour to leaue his ora|tion behind him in wri|ting. The em|perour herewith commanded him to deliuer by wri|ting into the hands of the lord of Buclans all that he had vttered by word of mouth, as is aboue expres|sed. Which Clarenceaux promised to doo, & so he did afterwards, signed with his owne hand, word for word. Clarenceaux hauing thus doone his dutie, in|continentlie withdrew: but before his departure, the lord of Buclans said to him, and also to Guien, these words insuing. Behold here this writing in my hand, conteining the articles of the composition be|tweene the emperour and the pope.