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Sir, following the three edicts inuiolablie kept and obserued by your predecessors emperours of Rome,The words of Clarence| [...]ux king of armes to the emperor. kings, princes, and capteins, Guien king of armes of the most christened king; and also Claren|ceaux king of armes to the king of England our so|uereigne & naturall lords: we presenting our selues before your sacred maiestie, for to declare certeine things from the said kings our maisters: beseech your maiestie, that hauing regard to the said lawes according to your benignitie and mercie, that it would please you to giue vs sure accesse and good in|treating in your countries, lands, and seigniories, at|tending your answer, with sure conduct to returne vnto the countries, lands, and seigniories of our said souereigne lords.The emperor giueth the heralds liber|tie to speake.
The emperour then bad them saie on whatsoeuer the kings your maisters haue giuen you in charge: your priuileges shall be kept, none shall doo you anie displeasure within my kingdomes or territories. After this, Guien read a writing signed with the hand of the said Guien king of armes.