[1] [2] The lord de Chaoux by ordinance from his ma|iestie gaue them answer, that it should be about ten of the clocke before noone the same daie. And at the same houre his maiestie came into the great hall of his court accompanied with diuerse prelats,The emperor [...]mmeth at [...] houre of [...]dience. dukes, marquesses, earles, barons, and other great lords and good personages, of diuerse nations of his king|dome and seigniories in great number. The empe|rour sitting in a chaire prepared according to his dignitie, the two kings of armes of France & Eng|land being in the nether end of the hall, holding vpon their left arms each one his coat of armes, did make three solemne reuerences accustomed, with knée to the ground. And when they were at the lowest staire before his imperiall maiestie, Clarenceaux king of armes of England, hauing the words in both their names, spake as followeth.