[1] The emperour at the request of this sir Francis Poins,The emperor releaseth 12 preiudiciall articles to the French king. who made the same in name of his maister the king of England, was contented to release twelue articles, which were reputed most preiudiciall to the French king, onelie to gratifie the king of England: but the cardinall kept the king still in dis|pleasure toward the emperor, for the fauour which he bare to the French king, whose onelie purposes he sought to aduance. The articles which were drawne at Amiens when the cardinall was there, were exhi|bited to the emperor by the French ambassadors, and [page 899] bicause he refused the same, word was sent to Cla|renceaux king of armes, to make defiance to the emperor. Wherevpon on the wednesdaie the two and twentith of Ianuarie, Guien king of armes to the French king, and Clarenceaux king of armes to the king of England, being in the citie of Burges in Spaine, came to the court of Charles the elect empe|rour, about nine of the clocke in the morning, and there did request of his maiestie, that it would please him to appoint them an houre of audience.