[1] After that the French ambassadors had béene highlie feasted, banketed, and interteined, with all honor and pastime conuenient, the great maister and all his companie tooke leaue of the king, and with great rewards returned into France, leauing the bishop of Baion behind them, who abode ambas|sador legier in England.Bilneie and other abiured. In this moneth of Nouem|ber, Arthur Bilneie, Geffreie Lome, and one Gar|ret that spake against the popes authoritie, were ab|iured by the cardinall. ¶By reason of the great wet that fell in the sowing time of the corne, and in the beginning of the last yeare, now in the beginning of this, corne so failed, that in the citie of London for a while bread was scant, by reason that commissioners appointed to sée order taken in shires about, ordeined that none should be conueied out of one shire into an other.