[1] In this meane time the English ambassadors, sir Francis Poins and Clarenceaux the herald, were come into Spaine, and there to the emperour in the towne of Uale Doliffe the sixt of Iulie deliuered [page 898] the kings letters, and further declared their message as they had in commandement.The empe|rours answer to the am|bassadors. The emperor made to them a courteous answer for that time, and said he would take counsell in the matter, and then shuld they receiue further answer, and in the meane time they might repose them. Within a daie or two after he called to him doctor Lée that was the kings am|bassadour legier there with him, & the said sir Fran|cis Poins, and said to them; My lords we haue per|ceiued the king your maisters demands, which are weightie and of great importance. Wherefore we intend with all spéed to write to the king our vncle, and when we haue receiued answer from him, we shall deliuer you of such things as you require, prai|eng you in the meane time to take patience.