[1] [2] [3] After this, it was agréed, that Odet de Fois, com|monlie called monsieur de Lawtrech,Monsieur de Lawtrech. should go into Italie with a puissant armie to procure the popes deliuerance, & expell the emperours power out of all the partie of Italie, if he refused such reasonable of|fers & articls of agréement as were drawen, & should be exhibited to him.Sir Robert Ierningham. In this armie went sir Robert Ierningham, Iohn Carew of Hakam, & 80 other English gentlemen, which were sent by the cardi|nall from Amiens. When the armie was assembled, the cardinall deliuered the monie which he had brought out of England with him in barrels, with the which the armie was paid two moneths before hand, & the surplusage was deliuered to sir Robert Ierningham, which was called treasuror of the wars. This armie was called in Latine,The name of the armie sent into Italie. Exercitus Angliae & Gallorum regum pro pontifice Romano liberando congregatus, that is to saie, The armie of the kings of England and France, gathered for the deliuerance of the bishop of Rome: and so was it reputed.