[1] He that is desirous to vnderstand with what ho|nour this triumphant cardinall was receiued in all places as he passed thorough Picardie by order gi|uen by the French king, maie read thereof at large in the chronicles of maister Edward Hall.The cardinall is honoura|blie receiued by the Frẽch king. At Amiens he was receiued by the French king himselfe, and by his moother with all other chéefe péeres of France. There was nothing forgot that might doo him ho|nour or pleasure. But to the effect of his businesse. After he had shewed his commission, they fell in councell, and in the end grew to a full conclusion of a league to be accorded and established betwixt the kings of England and France:A league be|twéene Eng|land and France. the couenants and articles whereof were drawne and written vp in a faire charter, which was sealed in solemne wise, and deliuered vnto the cardinals by the kings owne hand.