[1] The French ambassadors at Greenwich on sunday the fift of Maie,

The French ambassadors in the name of their maister sweare to ob|serue the league.

See Edw. Hall in H. 8. fol Clv. & deinceps.

sware in the name of their maister the French king to obserue the peace and league con|cluded betwéene them, for tearme of two princes liues. These ambassadours had great cheare, and iustes were enterprised for the honour and pleasure of them at the kings commandement by sir Nicho|las Carew, sir Robert Ierningham, sir Anthonie Browne, and Nicholas Haruie esquier chalengers. Against whome ran the marques of Excester, and thirtéen with him as defendants. When these ambas|sadours should returne, they had great rewards gi|u [...]n them of the king, and so tooke their leaue and de|parted. Shortlie after the king sent sir Thomas Bullen vicount Rochford, and sir Anthonie Browne knight, as ambassadours from him into France, which came to Paris to the bishop of Bath that laie there for the king as legier.Ambassadors into France.