[1] On the foureteenth daie of March were conueied from London to Gréenwich by the earle of Rutland and others,Ambassadors from the king of Hungarie. the lord Gabliel de Salamanca earle of Ottonburgh, Iohn Burgraue of Siluerberge, and Iohn Faber a famous clearke, after bishop of Uien, as ambassadors from don Ferdinando, brother to the emperour, newlie elect king of Hungarie and Beame, after the death of his brother in law king Lewes, which was slaine by the Turke the last sum|mer, as you haue heard before. This companie was welcomed of the high officers, and after brought in|to the kings presence, all the nobilitie being present, and there after great reuerence made, master Fa|ber made a notable oration,An oration made by mai|ster Faber. taking his ground of the gospell, Exijt seminator seminare semen suum, and of that he declared how Christ and his disciples went foorth to sow, and how their seed was good that fell in|to the good ground, and brought foorth good fruit, which was the christian faith: and then he declared how contrarie to that sowing, Mahomet had sowne séed, which brought foorth euill fruit. He also shewed from the beginning, how the Turkes haue increased in power, what realmes they had conquered, what people they had subdued euen to that daie.