[1] In this meane while, there was a secret league concluded betwixt the pope,A secret lea|g [...] betwixt [...] pope and [...] states of I [...]alie. the Uenecians, the Flo|rentins, and Francis Sforza duke of Millan: into the which league the French king also entered, after he was returned into France. There was also place left to the king of England to enter into the same league, and likewise to all other kings and princes: and if the king of England would, he should be ad|mitted as protector of the same. But the emperour might not be admitted, till he had deliuered the French kings children (hauing a reasonable summe of monie for the same) and had restored the duke of Millan to his whole duchie. It was thought indéed, that the emperour being wrongfullie informed a|gainst this duke, rather through enuie of some of the emperours capteins, than for anie cause ministred by the duke, dealt verie streightlie with him, & meant to defeat him of his duchie. For redresse wherof, and also to prouide that the emperor should not grow too strong in Italie to the danger of other estates, this league was deuised: by force whereof he might be brought to reason, if he would refuse conuenient of|fers and indifferent waies of agréement.