[1] [2] [page 893] Ye must here note, that the emperour being at Windsor in the fourtéenth yeere of the kings reigne couenanted, amongst other things, to take to wife the ladie Marie daughter to the king of England: but now vpon considerations his mind changed, for the which the Englishmen sore murmured against him. On the nine and twentith of Aprill being sun|daie, the cardinall soong a solemne masse in the kings chappell at Gréenewich, Anno. Reg. 18. and after the same was en|ded, the king sware in presence of the ambassadors of France,K [...]ng Henrie s [...]rne to per|for [...]e the lea|gue concluded. and of the ambassadors of Rome, of the emperour of Uenice, and of Florence, to obserue and kéepe the peace and league concluded betwixt him and his louing brother, and perpetuall alie the French king, during his life and one yeare after.