[1] On Shrouetuesdaie there was a solemne iusts held at the manor of Gréenewich, the king & eleuen other on the one part, and the marquesse of Excester with eleauen other on the contrarie part. ¶At those iusts by chance of shiuering of a speare sir Francis Brian lost one of his eies. The eleuenth of Februa|rie being sundaie, the cardinall with great pompe came to the cathedrall church of Paules, where he sat in pontificalibus vnder his cloth of estate of rich cloth of gold, and there doctor Barnes an Augustine frier bare a fagot for certeine points of heresie allea|ged against him;Doct. Barne [...] and two mer|chants of the Stillard beare fagots. and two merchants of the Still|ard bare fagots for eating of flesh on a fridaie: and there the bishop of Rochester doctor Fisher made a sermon against Martine Luther, which certeine yeares before, that is to wit, about the yeare a thou|sand fiue hundred and eightéene, had begun to preach and write against the authoritie of the pope.