[1] [2] [3] Those that were in the Tower and Fleet for the rebellion in Suffolke,The rebels pardoned af|ter their ap|pearance in the Star chamber. and resisting the commissio|ners aswell there as in Huntington shire and Kent, were brought before the lords in the Star chamber, and there had their offenses opened and shewed to them: and finallie the kings pardon declared, and thereon they were deliuered. ¶In this season a great number of men of warre laie at Bullongne, and in other places thereabout, which diuerse times attemp|ted to indamage the Englishmen, and to spoile the English pale: but they could neuer spoile the mari|shes where the greatest part of the cattell belonging to the inhabitants was kept.Tindale men great robbers Tindale men with aid of the Scots, did much hurt in England by robbe|ries, which they exercised: and therefore were sent thither, sir Richard Bulmere, and sir Christopher Da|cres, to restreine their dooings. Diuerse came to them, and submitted themselues: but the greatest théeues kept them in the mounteins of Cheuiot, and did much hurt, yet at length they seuered, and manie of them were taken.