[1] On sundaie the fift of March were receiued in|to London monsieur de Beuer lord of Campher,Ambassadors from the em|perour and their requests. ad|merall of Flanders, and maister Iohn de la Coose, president of Malins, & maister Iohn de la Gache, as ambassadours from the ladie Margaret in the name of the emperour. These ambassadors required thrée things in their suit. First they demanded the ladie Marie the kings onelie daughter to be deliuered out of hand, and she to be named empresse, and to take possession of all the lowe countries, and to be gouer|nour of the same. Also that all such sums of monie as the king should giue with hir in mariage for a dow|er to be made to hir, should be paid incontinentlie. Thirdlie, that the king of England himselfe should passe the sea, and make warre in France the next summer. The two first demands were not agreed to for certeine causes, and as to this last, the king said he would take aduisement.