[1] [2] [3] In the moneth of Ianuarie, the cardinall by his [page 884] power Legantine,The friers obseruants impugne the cardinals au|thoritie. would haue visited the friers ob|seruants, but they in no wise would thereto condes|cend, wherefore ninetéene of the same religion were accurssed at Paules crosse, by one of their owne reli|gion, called frier Forrest. Iohn Iokin Steward of houshold to the French kings mother, this yéere whi|lest the French king was in Italie, came into Eng|land, & was receiued in secret maner into the house of one doctor Larke, a prebendarie of S. Stephans, and oftentimes talked with the cardinall about the affaires betwixt the kings of England and France, motioning waies for a peace to be concluded. When this was knowne abroad, as at the length it was, monsieur de Prate the emperours ambassador mis|liked such couert dooings, and sore grudged thereat. The foure and twentith of Ianuarie, the president of Rone called monsieur Brinion, came to London as ambassador from the French king, and was lodged with the said Iohn Iokin.