[1] [2] In December there came to London diuerse ambassadors out of Scotland, about a peace to be had, and a marriage concluded betwéene the king of Scots, and the ladie Marie daughter to the king of England,Sée the histo|rie of Scot|land, pag. 312 as in the Scotish historie yee shall find more at large expressed. Before the feast of Christ|masse, the lord Leonard Graie, and the lord Iohn Graie, brethren to the marquesse Dorset, sir George Cobham, sonne to the lord Cobham, William Ca|rie, sir Iohn Dudleie, Thomas Wiat, Francis Pointz, Francis Sidneie, sir Anthonie Browne, sir Edward Seimor, Oliuer Manners, Perciuall Hart, Sebastian Nudigate, and Thomas Calen, esquiers of the kings houshold, enterprised a cha|lenge of feats of armes against the feast of Christ|mas, which was proclaimed by Winsore the herald, and performed at the time appointed after the best maner, both at tilt, tourneie, barriers,Sée these triumphs in Edw. Hall pag. Cxxxiij. and assault of a castell erected for that purpose in the tiltyard at Gréenewich, where the king held a roiall Christmasse that yeare, with great mirth and princelie pastime.