[1] [2] This yeare in Iulie the lord Archembald Dou|glas earle of Angus, which had maried the quéene of Scots sister to the king of England, escaped out of France (where he had remained for a season, in ma|ner as a banished man) and came into England to the king, as then being at Gréenewich, and was of him courteouslie receiued. Sir Anthonie Fitz Her|bert one of the Iustices of the common plées,Commissio|ners sent into Ireland to re|forme the countrie. sir Rafe Egerton knight, and doctor Denton deane of Lichfield, being sent in the begining of this yeare in|to Ireland as commissioners, behaued themselues so sagelie, that they reformed diuers wrongs, brought sundrie of the wild Irish by faire means vnto obedi|ence, and made (by the kings authoritie) the earle of Kildare deputie of the land;The earle of Kildare made deputie of Ireland. before whome the great Onele bare the sword. And the lord Piers Butler earle of Ormond, which before was deputie, was now made high treasurer of Ireland. In Septem|ber the said commissioners returned.