[1] On the fift of Iulie next insuing, sir Iohn a Fen|wike, Leonard Musgraue, and bastard Heron, with diuerse other English capteins, hauing with them nine hundred men of war, entred the Mers, mind|ing to fetch out of the same some bootie, and encoun|tring with the Scots being in number two thousand, after sore and long fight, caused them to leaue their ground and to flie, so that in the chase were taken two hundred Scots,The Scots [...] to flight [...] slaine. and manie slaine, & amongst them were diuerse gentlemen. But sir Rafe a Fenwike, Leonard Musgraue, and the bastard Heron, with thirtie other Englishmen well horssed, followed so farre in the chase, that they were past rescues of their companie, whereof the Scots being aduised, sudden|lie returned, and set on the Englishmen, which oppres|sed with the multitude of their enimies, were soone ouercome, and there was taken sir Rafe a Fenwike, Leonard Musgraue, and six other: and bastard He|ron, with seauen other were slaine. The residue by chance escaped. The other Englishmen with their 200 prisoners returned safelie into England.