[1] Manie enterprises, skirmishes, forreis, and other feats of warre were attempted and put in vre be|twixt the Englishmen of Calis, Guisnes, and other fortresses there in those marches, and the French|men of Bullogne, and other of the garrisons in the frontiers of Picardie, and still sir William Fitz Williams as then capteine of Guisnes, sir Robert Ierningham capteine of Newnam bridge, sir Iohn Wallop, and sir Iohn Gage were those that did to the Frenchmen most damage. Also monsieur de Bees being capteine of Bullogne, did for his part what he could to defend the frontiers there, and to an|noie his enimies. Yet one daie in Maie, sir William Fitz Williams, and sir Robert Ierningham, with seuen hundred men (accounting in that number the Kreekers) went to Bullogne, and there skirmished with the Frenchmen,Christ [...]pher Coo. whilest Christopher Coo a cap|teine of foure English ships tooke land, and fought with them of base Bullogne on the one side, as the Kréekers assailed them on an other.