[1] [2] In this yeare thorough books of ephemerides,15 [...] and prognostications,Bolton [...] of S. B [...]r [...]+lomewes [...] a [...] at Harow [...] the hill to a+uoid flouds prognostica+ted that [...] foreshewing much hurt to come by waters & flouds, many persons vittelled themselues and went to high grounds for feare of drowning [...] speciallie one Bolton prior of saint Bartholomewes in Smithfield, builded him an house vpon Harow on the hill, onelie for feare of this floud, and thither he went and made prouision of all things necessarie for the space of two moueths. This great raine and wa|ters should haue fallen in Februarie, but no such thing happened, whereby the follie of men was shew|ed. The astronomers for their excuse did saie, that in their computation they had miscounted in their number an hundred yeares.Anno Reg. [...] A legat [...] Rome to [...] a peace be|tweene king Henrie and the French king. A legat was sent from the pope to the king to mooue him to peace: but the king declared to him the whole circumstance of his title, for the which he made wars against the French|men, and thereof deliuered notes to the said legat, the which departed with the same backe to Rome in post. He had béene first with the French king, and with the emperour, but could not bring them to anie good conformitie, as his desire was to haue doone; so that his trauell was without frute in maner, as it appeared.