[1] [2] [3] The archduke of Austrich made knight of the garter.In this yeare the king sent the lord Morleie, sir William Huseie knight, & doctor Lée his almoner to don Ferdinando the archduke of Austrich, with the order of the garter, which in the towne of Nu|remberge receiued the same, where all the princes of Germanie were then assembled at a diet or coun|cell. In this meane while, diuerse enterprises and feats of warre were practised and archiued by them of the garrisons in the marches of Calis, and the Frenchmen of Bullogne, and the borders therea|bouts: but the Frenchmen commonlie were put to the worse. Amongest other exploits, it chanced that one Brereton a gentleman,Brereton capte [...]ne of the [...] s [...]aine. and capteine of a num|ber of the aduenturers, as he went about to spoile the towne of Wast, was taken by the French horse|men, and sold vnto the pezants of the countrie, the which vnmercifullie slue him and sixtéene more that were taken with him, after that the men of warre had deliuered them, and were departed. But this murther was reuenged shortlie by other of the ad|uenturers, which comming vnto the same towne of Wast, tooke thirtie eight prisoners of the inhabi|tants, & slue of them thirtie & six, & burned the towne.