[1] [2] The last of October being saturdaie,The castell of Warke assaul|ted by the Scots. in the night before the same daie, the duke of Albanie sent two or thrée thousand men ouer the water to besiege the castell of Warke, which comming thither with their great ordinance, beat the castell verie sore, and wan the vttermost ward called the Barnekins. On sun|daie and mondaie being the first and second of No|uember, they continued their batterie, and then thin|king that the place was assaultable, couragiouslie set on the castell, and by strength entered the second ward. Sir William Lisle that was capteine of this castell, perceiuing the enimies to haue woone the [page 882] false breies, and that nothing remained but onelie the inner ward or dungeon, incouraged his men to the best of his power, with words of great comfort and manhood, and therewith issued foorth with those few that he had left about him (for he had lost manie at other assaults) and what with couragious shoo|ting, and manfull fighting, the enimies were driuen out of the place,The Scots & French dri|uen backe from Warke castell. and of them were slaine, and name|lie of those Frenchmen which the duke had brought foorth of France, to the number of thrée hundred, which laie there dead in fight when the earle of Sur|rie came thither, besides such as died of wounds, and were drowned.