[1] [2] [3] [4] The king of England being certified that the duke meant not to depart out of France of all that yeare, about the middest of September, commanded that his ships should be laid vp in hauens till the next spring. The duke of Albanie being thereof aduerti|sed, boldie then tooke his ships,Sée the histo|rie of Scot|land, pag. 309. & sic deinceps. and sailed into Scot|land with all conuenient spéed, as in the Scotish hi|storie ye maie read more at large. Shortlie after his arriuall there, he wrought so with the Scots, that an armie was leauied, with the which he approched to the borders of England, & lodged at Cawdestreame, readie to enter into England. The king of Eng|land hauing aduertisement giuen to him from time to time of the proceedings of his aduersaries, with all diligence caused to be assembled the people of the North parts beyond Trent, in such numbers that there were three thousand gentlemen bearing coats of armes with their powers and strength, which were all commanded to repaire to the erle of Surrie with spéed. The noble marquesse Dorset was appointed with six thousand men to kéepe Berwike,Berwike chéeflie regar|ded. least the Scots should laie siege thereto.