[1] After this the earle incamped within the Scotish ground from the two and twentith of September till the fiue and twentith of the same moneth, & then returned backe againe into England. During which time the lord Dacres wan the castell of Ferniherst.The castell of Ferniherst woon by the lord Dacres. The French king perceiuing that the Scots did not worke anie notable trouble to the Englishmen to staie them from the inuading of France (& the cause was (as he tooke it) for that they lacked the duke of Albanie, whome they named their gouernour) he therefore prouided a nauie of ships to haue transpor|ted him ouer into Scotland; so that all things were redie for his iournie. But the Englishmen were re|die on the sea vnder the conduct of sir William Fitz Williams to stop his passage if he had set forward, wherefore he caused his ships to be brought into Brest hauen, and bruted it abroad, that he would not go into Scotland that yeare.