[1] [2] The Frenchmen made such hast, and were so glad to be gone, that they left much houshold stuffe be|hind them, and great plentie of wine. The English|men also would not suffer them to beare their stan|dards vnspred, but rent the same in péeces: where|with the lord Roch baron was highlie displeased, but he could not amend it. The duke remained in Mont|dedier till the last of October, and then remooued to Roie, where he rested a while with all his armie. On Alhallowes daie,Knights made by the duke of S [...]olke in Franc [...]. the duke of Suffolke in the chiefe church of Roie made knights, the lord Herbert, the lord Powes, Oliuer Manners, Arthur P [...]le, Ri|chard Sandes, Robert Ierningham, Robert Salis|burie, Edmund Bening [...]eld, Richard Corbet, Tho|mas Wentworth, William Storton, Walter M [...]tell, George Warram, Edward Seimor, that was after duke of Summerset. The morow after the armie remooued to a place called Néele.