[1] [2] Braie won by assault.On the further side of the towne there was a bul|worke fortified with ordinance verie stronglie to de|fend the passage ouer the water of Some, which is there diuided into diuerse branches. The French horssemen being withdrawne to the passage, defen|ded it till the footmen were got ouer the bridge, and then they plucked awaie the plankes of the bridge, so that no man should follow: but the Englishmen cast plankes on the bridge and got ouer, in which pas|sing diuerse were drowned: but such diligence and inforcement was vsed, that they all passed both hors|men and footmen. Then was the bulworke fiercelie assaulted, and finallie taken by the Englishmen, with all the ordinance. There was also taken cap|teine Adrian and capteine Utterlieu. The English horssemen followed the Frenchmen, and fiue & tooke manie of them. Sir Robert Ierningham brake a speare on the lord Pontdormie. The lord Leonard Greie did valiantlie that day, which was come from the castell of Bounegard, and was here at the win|ning of Braie, which was taken in maner aboue rehearsed the twentith of October.