[1] [2] The duke passed forward till he came to the towne of Braie,The towne of Braie besie|ged. in the which were sixtéene hundred men of warre, vnder the gouernance of capteine Adrian, and beside his retinue, there came to the succours of the towne, monsieur Pontdormie, the vicount La|uerdam, the vicount Tourraine, monsieur Appling|court, and monsieur Dampneie, with fiue hundred horssemen, so that in the towne beside the inhabi|tants were two thousand good men of warre. This towne strandeth on the riuer of Some foure and twentie English miles from Arras, and foureteene of the same miles aboue Amiens. On the twentith of October, the duke caused his ordinance to be brought afore it by foure of the clocke in the mor|ning, the which was so well applied in making bat|terie to the walles of the towne, that by nine of the clocke the towne was made assaultable; and then the Englishmen, Flemings & Burgognians made forward, and by the good comfort of the lord Sandes and other capteins, they got the diches, and after en|tred vpon the walles. The Frenchmen stood at de|fense with pikes, crossebowes, handguns, and hal|bards, but they were too weake, for on all parts en|tred the Englishmen, and suddenlie the Frenchmen fled, and the Englishmen followed.