[1] The duke being thus furnished with new aid, marched forward in wet weather, and made bridges, [page 880] and mended the waies where he passed as well as he might, sending out diuerse companies of his men of warre, to take townes, and fetch in booties on eue|rie side. The Frenchmen were so afraid of the Eng|lishmen, that they fled out of their houses, and left the townes and villages void, conueieng such goods as they could awaie with them, but oftentimes they left good store behind them, so that the Englishmen gained greatlie, and namely at Anchor, which was a rich towne, and vpon the Englishmens approch the inhabitants fled out of it, and then the Englishmen entred. They tooke also the castell of Bounegard, and put therein a garison,The castell of Bounegard manned by the English|men. whereof was capteine the lord Leonard Greie, brother to the marquesse Dorset, to conduct vittellers to the armie, which now was farre from anie succours of the English part.