[1] [2] The first enterprise that the duke attempted,Bell castell assaulted. was the winning of a castell called Bell castell, to which the lord Sands, and the lord Ferrers being sent, did so much by the power of battrie, that after the wals were beaten, those that were appointed to giue the assalt, prepared them therto. Which when the French men within perceiued,Bell castell yeelded vp to the English|men. they yéelded the place into the Englishmens hands, and themselues to the mer|cie of the duke, which receiued them as prisoners, and deliuered the castell to sir William Skeuing|ton, the which he caused to be rased downe to the ground the seauen and twentith of September. In this season was the duke of Burbon high constable of France reuolted from seruice of the French king to the seruice of the emperour and the king of Eng|land. For after it was knowne that this duke had his mind alienated from the French king,Sir Iohn Russell crea|ted afterward erle of Bed|ford. sir Iohn Russell (that was afterward created erle of Bed|ford) was sent into France vnto the said duke.