[1] The whole armie (as appéered by the musters taken thereof) consisted in six hundred demilan|ces, two hundred archers on horssebacke, three thou|sand archers on foot, and fiue thousand bill men. To these also were adioined seuentéene hundred, which were taken out of the garisons and crewes of Hammes, Guisnes, & Calis, so that in all they were ten thousand and fiue hundred, well armed and ap|pointed for the warre. Beside them, there were also two thousand six hundred labourers and pioners. When this armie was come ouer to Calis, and all things readie for the iournie, they issued out of Calis and tooke the fields. The vant-gard was led by the lord Sandes. Capteine of the right wing was sir William Kingston, & on the left sir Euerard Dig|bie. The marshall of Calis sir Edward Guilford was capteine of all the horssemen. The duke him|selfe gouerned the battell, and sir Richard Wing|field was capteine of the rere-ward.