[1] In this season the king hauing put an armie of men in a readinesse, caused the same to be transpor|ted ouer to Calis, & appointed the duke of Suffolke to haue the leading thereof, and to make a iourneie into France. [...] The duke (according to his commissi|on) came to Calis the foure and twentith of August, and there abiding the armie, caused all things to be prepared necessarie for the same, as vittels, muni|tion,The duke of [...] into France with [...] armie. and such like. There were appointed to attend him in this iourneie, the lord Montacute, and his brother sir Arthur Pole, the lord Herbert sonne to the earle of Worcester, the lord Ferrers, the lord Marneie, the lord Sandes, the lord Barkleie, the lord Powes, and the baron Curson: of knights sir Richard Wingfield chancellour of the duchie of Lancaster, sir Iohn Uéer, sir Edward Neuill, sir William Kingston, sir Richard Weston, sir An|drew Winsor, sir Robert Wingfield, sir Anthonie Wingfield, sir Edward Guilford, sir Edward Gre|uile, sir Edward Chamberleine, sir Thomas Lucie, sir Euerard Digbie, sir Adrian Foscew, sir Richard Cornewall, sir William Courtneie, sir William Sidneie, sir Henrie Owne, and manie others.