[1] The king of England being aduertised that the [page 879] duke of Albanie would returne shortlie into Scot|land by sea, and bring with him a power of French|men, prepared a fléet of tall and strong ships méet to encounter with the same duke and his power, and ap|pointed for admerall, sir William Fitz Williams, & with him sir Francis Brian, sir Anthonie Poines, sargeant Rot, Iohn Hopton, William Ganston, Anthonie Kneuet, Thomas West, and other, which vsed great diligence to haue met with the said duke of Albanie. And as they laie on the French coast, the foure and twentith of August being sundaie, at sea|uen of the clocke in the morning, they landed in the hauen of Treiport, [...] and assaulted the Frenchmen that were in certeine bulworks on the shore, and did what they could to impeach the Englishmens lan|ding.