[1] [2] About the same time, Polydor. the earle of Kildare being restored to the cardinals fauour, and taking to wife the ladie Elizabeth Graie,The earle of Kildare resto|red to his of|fice of deputi|ship in Irelãd. was sent ouer againe in|to Ireland to occupie his former office, whereby the assistance of his faithfull friend Hugh Hinke arch|bishop of Dublin, and chancellour of that land, hee brought the countrie into reasonable good order, so far as the rebellious dooings of the wild Irish would permit. In this meane while, Edw. Hall. the warre was earnest|lie pursued betweene England & France, & England and Scotland, insomuch that each part did what in them lay to hurt other. On the borders toward Scot|land lay the earle of Surrie high admerall of Eng|land, and the marques Dorset, with his brethren, sir William Compton, & sir William Kingston, with diuerse other knights and esquiers sent to them by the king,Scotland sore spoiled. which dailie inuaded the realme of Scot|land, and threw downe the castell of Wederborne, the castell of west Nesgate, the castell of Blackater, the tower of Mackwalles, the tower of east Nesgate, & manie other, and burnt to the number of thirtie and seuen villages, and haried the countrie from the east marches to the west, and neuer had skirmish.