[1] The king of Denmake arriueth in England.In this yeare the fiftéenth of Iune, Christerne king of Denmarke, with his wife, and a small traine with them, landed at Douer, where he was noblie receiued by the earle of Deuonshire, the bishops of Excester and Rochester, and diuerse knights and es|quiers which brought them to Gréenwich, where the king and queene rec [...]iued them with all honor. Now after he had remained at the court certeine daies,Sée Edw. Hall in H. 8. fol. Cxj. he was brought to London, & lodged at Bathplace. He saw the watch on saint Peters eeuen, beeing brought vnto the kings head in Cheape, accompa|nied with the duke of Suffolke, the earles of Oxford, Essex, and Kent, and diuerse other lords and ladies. The citie made to him and to his wife a costlie ban|ket that night,The ketteth of London [...] the [...] of Denmark. and after he had passed the time a while in London, he resorted againe to the king, and had of him great gifts, and so likewise had his wife of the quéene hir aunt, & then taking their leaue they depar|ted, and were conueied to Douer.The king of Denmarke de|parteth out of England [...] Flanders. And thus after this king had béene in England two and twentie daies, he tooke shipping, and sailed againe into Flanders, where he remained as a banished man out of his owne countrie.