[1] The cardinall to mooue them thereto, bare them in hand that the lords had agreed to foure shillings of the pound, which was vntrue: for they had granted nothing, but staid till they might vnderstand what the commons would doo. The king therefore hauing knowledge of this, Polydor. and such other notable lies vtte|red by the cardinall, reprooued him therefore verie sharpelie,Cardinall [...] by the king. and said that yer it were long he would looke to things himselfe without anie substitute. A maruellous matter to consider how much the cardi|nall was cooled herewith, and how lowlie for a while he bare himselfe, so that thereby it well appeared how the maisters sharpenesse now and then, dooth much to refraine the euill nature of the seruant. But the car|dinall within a few daies after, pacifieng the kings displeasure toward him, became nothing the better.