[1] This demand was inforced on the morrow after, by sir Thomas Moore then speaker of the parlement: but he spake not so much in persuading the house to grant it, but other spake as earnestlie against it, so that the matter was argued to and fro, and handled to the vttermost.Hard hold a|bout grant of the great subsidie. There were that proued how it was not possible to haue it leuied in monie, for men of lands and great substance had not the fift part of the same in coine. And sith the king by the loane had re|ceiued two shillings of the pound, which by this rate amounted to 400000 pounds: and new to haue foure shillings of the pound, it would amount in the whole vnto twelue hundred thousand pounds, which is first and last six shillings of the pound, being al|most a third part of euerie mans goods, which in coine might not be had within this realme.