[1] But after that he perceiued his owne follie and rash dooing herein, contrarie to the lawes, which would not permit that anie such things as were moo|ued within the prouince of Canturburie, might bee concluded without the authoritie of the archbishop, he sent them againe to Poules, and sate himselfe at Westminster with his cleargie of the prouince of Yorke. And euen as there was much adoo amongst them of the common house about their agréement to the subsidie, so was there as hard hold for a while a|mongst them of the clergie in the conuocation house. Namelie Richard bishop of Winchester, & Iohn bi|shop of Rochester held sore against it, but most of all sir Rowland Philips vicar of Croidon, and one of the canons of Poules, béeing reputed a notable preacher in those daies, spake most against that pai|ment.