[1] This yeare was the citie and the whole Ile of the Rhodes conquered by the Turke, and all the christi|ans displaced: whereof Guicciardin hath discour|sed as followeth. Abr. Fl. ex Guic. pag i. [...] Rhodes tak [...] by Soliman Ottoman. ¶ The end of this yeare (saith he) was made no lesse wretched and vnhappie, than slan|derous to all christian princes for the losse of the Ile of Rhodes: which Soliman Ottoman tooke by vio|lence, notwithstanding it was defended by the knights of Rhodes, called in other times more anci|ent the knights of saint Iohn of Ierusalem. And abiding in that place since they were chased out of Ierusalem, notwithstanding they laie betweene two so mightie princes as the Turke & the Soloan; yet their valour had preserued it of long time, and to the right woorthie glorie of the [...] [...]der, they had remai|ned as an assured rampie [...] christian religion in those seas: & yet they were not without their impu|tations & notes of infamie, for that hauing a continu|all custome for the better defending of [...] shoares, to spoile the vessels of the infidels, the [...] [...]ere thought sometimes to make pillage of christia [...] ships.