[1] [2] Then the earle of Surrie, perceiuing that he could no longer keepe the field in that season of the yeare, turned backe towards Calis in good order of battell, and came thither the sixtéenth of October. He would gladlie in déed (before the departure of the Burgognians and Spaniards) haue passed the wa|ter of Somme: but other capteins considering the time of the yeare to be past, and that the whole armie conteined not aboue eightéene thousand men, iudged it more wisedome to returne, and so in the end their opinions were followed. After that the English ar|mie was returned to Calis, the earle of Surrie sent foorth sir William Sands, sir Maurice Berkeleie, sir William Fitz Williams, and with them three thou|sand men, which burned Marguison, the towne of saint Iehans rode, and also Temple towne, with ma|nie villages.