[1] [2] Within the castell was capteine monsieur de B [...]ez, hauing prouided for defense of the place all things necessarie; so that the earle of Surrie, and o|ther the capteins of the hoast, perceiuing they could not within anie short time win it, after they had bin before it eleuen daies, they raised their siege, chéeflie bicause they had no great battering peeces to ouer|throw the walles. For the weather was such, and the waies waxed so deepe towards the latter end of that summer, that they could not conueie with them anie great ordinance. From Heding they passed forward, and comming to Dorlens, burned the towne, and rased the castell. From thense they came vnto the towne of Darrier, which they burnt also and spoiled. Thus they burned and spoiled all the waie as they passed.The earle of Surrie retur|neth with his [...] to Ca|lis. But the weather still waxed woorse and woorse, so that manie fell sicke through intemperance there|of, and the Burgognians and Spaniards which were in the armie returned into Flanders.