[1] [2] [3] They entered into the French ground the second of September,The [...] with the English host. being tuesdaie, and tooke their iour|nie toward Heding. By the way there came to them a great power of Burgognians from the ladie Mar|garet, as then regent of Flanders, according to the articles of the league. All the townes, villages, and castels in the countrie thorough the which they mar|ched, were burned, wasted, and destroied on euerie side of their waie: as the towne and castell of Sel|lois, the townes of Brume bridge, Senekerke, Bo|tingham, & Manstier, the towne and castell of Ner|bins, the towne of Dauerne, the castels of Colum|berge, and Rew, the towne and church fortified of Boards, saint Marie de Bois, the towne of Ulaus, the towne and castell of Fringes. On the sixtéenth daie of September, the earle of Surrie with his ar|mie of Englishmen and Burgognians, came before the castell of Heding, and planted his siege before it. The towne was entered,The castell of [...]eding besie|ged by the Englishmen. and part thereof burned by the Burgognians.