[1] [2] [3] Moreouer, whilest the warres were thus followed in France, the lord Rosse,The lords Rosse & D [...]|cres of the north [...] Scotland [...] spoile the [...] and the lord Dacres of the north, which were appointed to keepe the borders a|gainst Scotland, burnt the towne of Kelsie, and fourescore villages, & ouerthrew eighteene towers of stone, with all their barnekines. Also the king appointed the earle of Shrewesburie to be his lieute|nant generall of the north parts, against the inuasi|on which was intended by the duke of Albanie, which earle directed his letters to all the shires lieng from Trent northward, that all men should be in a readi|nesse. Order was taken by the cardinall, that the true value of all mens substance might be knowne, and he would haue had euerie man sworne to haue vttered the true valuation of that they were woorth, and required a tenth part thereof to bée granted to|wards the kings charges now in his warres,The cardinall will have [...] man [...] to tell [...] is woorth. in like case as the spiritualtie had granted a fourth part, and were content to liue on the other three parts.